Official Rulebook

CRO TOP Official Rulebook




CRO TOP is online haxball community created in order to bring people from Croatia, who are playing this game, closer together. Since Croatia is very small in haxball world, CRO TOP is also available to any foreign players or teams who want to join and play in here. Community will run official CRO TOP League 4vs4 with 3 def rule and CRO TOP Cup 4vs4 on big easy.



Start of CRO TOP Community is considered as February, 2020.

At the moment we have two Season played and following winners:
x League Winners: Angels / Horus Falcon
x Cup Winners: Horus Falcon / Gegen Pressing
x Super Cup Winner: Angels / Horus Falcon



Full admin team of CRO TOP is given in general thread of the forum. Admin team is always available to help to any member who ask for it. Any candidates for Staff members are always welcome.



Everyone who wants to be part of CRO TOP community has to create unique forum account in order to show others his own haxball identity and possibly confirm participation for his team. All multi-accounts will be restricted with ban, same as spam bots, restricted names etc. Everyone is able to register on CRO TOP forum until he violate some of forum / league rules and get banned. Also every member must have unique discord account from which he should join CRO TOP Discord.


Team registration

Before every season, admin team will create forum thread in order to give all teams chance to sign up their team and therefore register into CRO TOP League. Start and expiration date and time will be stated clear in registration thread in the first post. All players who are not banned in CRO TOP are able to sign up a team in that thread, but admin team will decide about accepted ones. Only serious and relevant applications will be considered and possibly accepted in league.


Registration code

All players who want to sign up team must fill-in the next code:


Full team name:
Team logo (150x150, transparent):
Players (co-captains marked + nationalities):



Every team who play together already long time is surely welcome in our league. CRO TOP isn't created to gather the highest skilled teams in the world, but activity, good reputation, no trouble makers and fair-play are always welcome. Please sign up team when you are sure about it, don't edit your post milion times per day and add new players, we won't even take a look at your application then. You know everything, stay active and show us motivation that you want to play here and you are N1 in our book!


List of accepted teams

Full list of accepted teams will be announced day after registration window will be closed in relevant thread. In case of possible confusion, admins can organize Bonus Tournament or different ways to check team level and activity. We kindly ask rejected captains not to create flame or feel sorry, we just found other teams more suitable for our league.


New captains

After list of accepted teams will be given, admins will create forum thread for new teams here and channel on official CRO TOP discord. Captains will also receive permissions on forum and discord, suitable for their position.


TOP League Play-Off

Play-Off will gather Six best ranked teams from regular part of the season giving 3 rounds in total. In Round 1, two best placed teams from league are free since they deserved it with their regular league play. In remaining teams we have best ranked from league (3rd) against worst ranked in league (6th) and two middle ones (4th vs 5th). Two winners join in semifinal where same system applies. Only winner of Play-Off matters since he is considered as league champion. Final loser get 2nd place while all others remain their positions from regular season (no matter of Round 1 results). Stats do not count in play-off round. Play-Off will be played on map big, 2x10 mins following 3def rule.



CRO TOP Cup will consist of max 4 matches for team. First round will play all teams besides two best ranked teams in previous cup season. Those two teams and 6 winners of Round 1 will compete in Quarterfinal and so on, all with random draw. All cup schedule and further explanation will be given on time in different threads. Cup map is set to big easy, 2x7 mins (2x10 mins for final) and without def rules.


TOP Super Cup

Super Cup will be played after League and Cup finish between League and Cup winners. If Cup and League winner is the same, League winner will face Cup runner up instead. Super Cup map is set to big, 2x7 mins with 3 def rules.


TOP Preseason Cup

Preseason Cup means first tournament in start of each season when teams can meet their opponents in funcup way and earn a title in CRO TOP Community at the same time. Preseason Cup will gather all active teams in league where group + ko stage will be played in format depending of number of applied teams. All information will be posted in special thread. Map will be set to big, 2 x 7 mins for each match using 3 def rule.


TOP Mini League 3vs3

CRO TOP 3vs3 Mini League is called so because it will be started and finished in two days. We will use same format as we use in 4vs4 league but with difference that we will force matches to be played in two days. After every 1 or 2 seasons, depends on how admins see it better, 3v3 Mini League will be organized in order to have fun at first and show CRO TOP competent in 3v3 world for HCL. Map will be set to big, 2x7 mins for each match and without def rules.


Bonus Tournament

Bonus Tournament will be organized before every season in case admins can't decide about teams who will join to league Division 1 and want to check level, activity and behavior of new applied teams. If they consider it needed, also some last placed teams from previous season can join Bonus Tournament. Map will be set to big, 2 x 7 mins for each match using 3 def rule.


Community participants

Number of teams in CRO TOP League will mostly be limited to 14. Teams from Croatia and Ex Yu have advantage over others, but if we won't be able to get 14 teams by this system, admin team will accept foreign teams as well. If we see any sense, we might open 2nd league or lower teams to 10 or 12. All line-ups will be available on forum where it will be maintained during the whole season.


League positioning

The place of teams in the league table is decided by the following factors:

Win: 3 points
Draw: 1 point
Loss: 0 points

x In case of the same amount of points, the direct comparison (head-to-head) is decisive.
x In case of the same amount h2h comparison, the goal difference is decisive.
x In case of tied goal difference, the amount of scored goals is decisive.
x In case 3 or more teams have same points, h2h between them is decisive.



x "defwin" means a 3-0 victory.
x "defloss" means a 0-3 loss.

If a match is judged as a defwin/defloss, the scored goals are deleted and the result gets changed into a 3-0 respective 0-3. All stats (goals, assists, clean sheets) remain untouched. The admin team reserves all rights to change any result to a defwin/defloss, if a reasonable rule violation is existent. In case defwin is added to current result (+3:0), stats are not touched.

To report a defwin situation, team captain has to take screen with discord chat to opponent, screen from discord and host where we can see his team is present and opponents are not.



In any cup elimination phase, in case of a draw after the regular playing time, the "extra time" rule applies. The teams change sides again, the score limit is set to -0- and the time limit to -5-. The teams change sides again and -5- more minutes will be played. If after 10 minutes of "extra time" no goals were scored or the result is again a draw, the "golden goal" rule applies. The teams change sides again, the score limit is set to -1- and the time limit to -None-. The team which scores first will win and the match is immediately over. All goals that are scored without a following kick-off do not count.


HaxballEU qualifiers

The top ranked teams after each season in league and cup winner are qualified to be send for the Haxball Champions League and Europa Haxball League unless the CRO TOP admin team announces another HCL /EHL qualification system on the website.

System of slot assumption for HCL:
1) League Play-Off winner
2) League Play-Off runner-up
3) Cup winner (if it is 1) or 2), 3 is being replaced by 4)
4) next best ranked team in league (not counting play-off final teams and cup winner).

If some of teams above refuse to play in HCL, next best teams from league after regular phase goes in following the order.

System of slot assumption for EHL:

In normal conditions, 5th, 6th and 7th team from league are qualified for Europa Haxball League running edition. In case EHL Administration decide to give lower ammount of slots or mentioned teams qualify for HCL, lower ranked teams join to EHL, depending on admin team decision.


Line-up limitations

Every team registred in CRO TOP Community for some of the competitions must have maximum 10 added players and minimum 6 added players. To help teams, we allow lineups to have 5 confirmed players (but still 6 added at the same time). Line-up can't be over reached at any time and can't have lower then 5 confirmed (or 6 added) players at the match time.



For every team accepted in CRO TOP Community there will be a line-up created on forum section HERE. Every lineup has to be consisted during the whole league season and all players are valid for league and cup competition. Each line-up topics will consist of team logo, captain, co-captain(s) and players in the first topic. Another topics will be consisted of player additions, confirmations and player removals.



Every possible captain change has to be approved by admins and written in respective line-up thread of specific team. All other changes also must be stated in line-up thread, but do not have to be approved by admins, only in special cases. Team name and logo change are possible in special cases if admin team approve it. In this case, admins will write requested info on forum and line-up thread of specific team.


HaxballEU lineups

CRO TOP Teams section will be used to verify team players in Haxball Champions League and Europa Haxball League. Line-up for CRO TOP rule will be the same as HCL line-up rule to avoid possible confustions.


Match settings

Mode: 4on4
Duration: 2 x 7 minutes (halftime: change sides) [2x10 mins Play-Off and Cup Final]
Score limit: None
Stadium: Big [Big easy for Cup]
Rule: 3 def [no def for Cup]
Rule: /kick_ratelimit 6 12 4
Platform: HTML5



Matchdays in CRO TOP Community will be spread to 4 different days: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Sunday. League matches will be played on Wednesday and Thursday for unpair matchdays and Monday for pair matchdays. Cup matches will be played on Sunday. All other cups matches will be announced individually. Times for each matchday will be givem individually.



Stream Administrator in CRO TOP is halilovic from Turkey. He decide about each stream match, possible times and commentators. At start of each season, there will be stream schedule made by him where teams will receive info of stream games. From matchday 2, all wildcards for stream matches have to be used at least day before match is officially scheduled.



Every official match in CRO TOP Community and any linked competition must be played in Neutral European VPS Host. Both captains should test host before match and agree to play there. In case they can't find host on their own, they should ask admin for help.


Result and replays submission

Every match winner is obliged to support the transmission of the result by recording every official match. In case of a draw, home team should upload replay. For this the record function of should be used, as the outcoming *.hbr files count as evidence for the final result.

The *.hbr files should be uploaded on thehax or haxballclub forum.

Only a complete replay ensures the proper transmission of the final result. If the entire replay or important parts of the required match media is missing, the match is being judged as a 0-3 defloss for both teams.

The entire match media has to be reported within -24- hours after the default match time, if no other deadline is given by the CRO TOP admin team. Wildcarded matches must be reported until latest possible day stated in match topic. If both teams fail to report the result properly within -24- hours, the match will be counted as 0-3 defloss for both teams.


3def rule

CRO TOP League and Super Cup (and Preseason Cup + Bonus Tournament) are using so called "3def rule" in official matches. This rule is also used in other big competitions and HCL / EHL competitions. Full explanation of 3def rule is given HERE.


Kick limiter

All official matches in CRO TOP will be played with use of the kick limiter (/kick_ratelimit 6 12 4). Please make sure the limit is set and the chat message "Kick Rate Limit set to (min: 6, rate: 12, burst: 4)" is visible on start of the recording of the match.



Every team is allowed to make a substitution only at half time or after a goal. There is no limit of subs in the game. If a player is leaving or forced to stop playing, he has to notify the other players and the team is allowed to pause the match. If the player is not able to finish the running half, his team needs the approval of the opponent team for a substitution, otherwise the affected team has to continue in 3vs4 or if opponents agree in 3vs3 mode.


Match delay

A match can only be cancelled, if the majority of all players in the room has performance problems. In such a case, the teams are allowed to stop the match and move to another host or even reschedule the match, if no replacement host is available. If both teams agree, the match can be fully restarted, otherwise only the remaining time will be played on the new host.



In case of rule violations it is possible to open an official protest. Leave a post in the result reporting thread of the relevant match, clarify why you want to protest against the final result and add the required evidence. A protest has to be posted within -24- hours after the default match time (or agreed new match time, in case of a postponed match), else it will be rejected.


Captain communication

Captain communication is the most important part in CRO TOP since its only way to procede active league procedure. Official way of contacting opponent captain is to use CRO TOP Discord during the match time. Since all of you already joined there and received perms for your position there is no need to explain it a lot in here. We encourage all captains to be as active as possible on discord. Every player has to download, install and run discord on his own PC and join CRO TOP Discord server.


Authenticity proof

Discord activity is the best possible way to prove your true identity to others in case of possible fake suspicions. We didn't want to evolve any strict checks, we will just check out discord appearance and possible forum logs so far if someone asks for fake suspicion checks, but it is still mostly on captain of team who is asking for fake check.


Match show

Both teams who enter official match must have at least -4- players online who are playing the game and joined discord and forum before. We kindly ask you to use discord for easy communication and possible fake suspicions, but it is still optional tho. If both teams show on the match match is able to start and you should complete both halves. Maximum waiting time for opponents to join the room is 15 minutes after match was officially scheduled (or mutually agreed by both captains on forum). Take care that in wildcard matches you set time a bit earlier then u can start to avoid possible confusion and defwin situation - try to be as clear as possible while suggesting date and time.


Match behavior

Both teams are obligated to respect their own teammates and opponents and therefore play the match on most fun possible way there is. Please do not cause problems because you will be restricted, same as team you are playing for. If anyone is causing problems during the match, please seek admin help for it. All players have to use the exact name ingame which is listed in the line-up thread. Very similar name is also allowed, but please before using it, give admins a heads up about it. Every player is responsible for his own performance during a match and should care for a trouble-free match procedure. For example its considered as unsportsmanlike behavior to start a match with a lagging player, who might demand pauses or fairplay all the time. In that case, fairplay goals will probably end as rejected.


Match behavior

Both teams are obligated to save the Replay after the game. Team who won the game is obligated to sign-up the Replay with requested information on the forum. In case of a draw, home team must sign up Replay and statistics on forum (it is possible if captains mutually agree other decision).



Wildcard is a meaning used to postpone a match if your team isn't able to play on default time set in Fixtures. With using wildcard, you are changing the default date and time of the match what means you won't play the match on time set in Fixtures.


Ammount of Wildcards

At the beggining of each season, all teams will have total number of wildcards limited to: -7-. Our goal is to provide defwin-free matches and all matches to be played. This number is for all competitions during the season including League, Cup and Super Cup.


Use a wildcard

For using a wildcard, visit Wildcards forum (HERE) and open new thread in form Matchday number # Team 1 vs Team 2.

x It would be nice you suggest a date and time when your team is able to play so opponent team get information and try to confirm date and time you suggested. If he isn't able to play on date and time you suggested, he will suggest new one and so on...

x A wildcard is only valid, if it's posted until 19:00 CEST on the matchday (for all matches on the gameplay date, no matter of kickoff time). If a wildcard is posted after 19:00 CET, the postponing team will be forced to play at the default match time or risk that the opposing team will win by 3-0 defwin. However, if a wildcard has been posted after the deadline, the opposing team is allowed to accept the invalid wildcard and abstain from forcing them to play or taking a 3-0 defwin.

x A new date and time is only valid, if it has been suggested in the forum and is confirmed by the opponent. Once a new date and time is arranged properly, no team is allowed to cancel it without the opponents agreement.

x Matches can't be played before scheduled default time.


Special deadlines

x Matchday 11 and 12 must be played and reported 1 day before last matchday.

x Matchday 13 can't be wildcarded.

x Play-Off Final can't be wildcarded.

x Cup Final can't be wildcarded.

x Super Cup can't be wildcarded.



Every team in CRO TOP Community is able to make transfers until transfer deadline and line-up limitation allow him. Player transfers must be made in line-up thread of specific team by creating a new post by captain or co-captain or player himself.


There are two type of transfers: addition - mean adding a player to line-up using + Player nickname (Nationality) and removal - mean removing a player from line-up (by captain or player himself) using - Player nickname.


All signed players have to confirm their participation by creating a new post in the relevant line-up thread, before they are allowed to play official matches. This applies for players of the initial line-up (same goes for captains) as well as for additionally signed players. If confirmation before match does not happen, the player is not allowed to play the relevant match.


Transfer periods

After the season officialy starts, all players can be added only on weekends when there are no official league matches scheduled (Saturday 00:00 - Sunday 23:59 CET). From Monday (00:00 CET) to Friday (23:59 CET) lineups will be locked so in case of a players wants to confirm or leave the team he has to contact admins.


All transfers made during the weekends in regular season time (after start and before play-off) will be counted and limited to maximum 10 transfers per each team.


After regular season time and before play-off start there will be free period for transfers (Transfer Window) where players can change team however they want (unless they are restricted) but each play-off team can sign maximum 2 players.


Transfer restrictions

A player who has never been listed in any teams line-up in the running season, is a so called free agent and can be signed at any time, if the line-up rule and other transfer restrictions allow the transfer.

All confirmed players, who leave* their teams line-up after 19 CET on the 1st matchday of the season, are blocked to join other team until the start of the transfer window. It does not matter, if the relevant player actually played for his old team or not. However, they can return to old their old team at any time.

* leave is supposed to be the collective term for both removal processes cut by captain/co-captain and player's self-removal.

A player who was part of a line-up after 19 CET on the 1st matchday and left team after, is only allowed to play 2nd leg matches of the running season. "2nd leg" describes all matches that are by default determined after the end of the transfer window or play-off matches.


The CRO TOP admin team reserves the right to modify, add and remove rules at any time. Rule changes apply with immediate effect when they have been announced in the forum threads. Any of the restrictions who happen and are not listed, CRO TOP admin team reserve full right to add them in rulebook.
All other information about rules and similar stuff may be given in different topics as well.






If a team is having less than -6- players added (at least 5 confirmed!) in line-up at the time of official match time, match will not be played and result will be added as 0-3 defwin for their opponents. This rule apply for match official start in both scheduled by admins or new wildcard time. In case match is wildcarded, team still has time to gain enough number of players (in case lineup limitations allow them).

If a team is trying to use player who is not added (or confirmed) to their line-up (on time), opponent captain and / or admins should warn them to remove player from the game. If it still doesn't help, miss-behaved team and player will be restricted with 1 match suspension or possible ban. Decision of penalty is on admins, but every team should ask admins for some possible confusion player on time to avoid problems and possible restrictions. In case nobody noticed use of non-registred player, match will be suspended and decided by admins about possible defwin and number of suspension matches.

If a team is having less then 4 players online during official match time or being late for same, maximum waiting time is 15 minutes after officially scheduled time (or wildcard time confirmed by both captains). If one team isn't ready after 15 minutes they will receive 0-3 defloss. Defwin situation is explained in rulebook.

Impersonating a player is not allowed in CRO TOP. If player is caught impersonating he will be punished with 5 matches / end of the season restriction. Decision is completely on admin team where they will check out potential hard of fake usage, player behavior and other things to help them get the decision. Captain of team who used fake will also get penalty and possible team disband, depending how admins decide about it. There will also be a decision about player who was impersonated and his restriction, depending if he knew about impersonation or no.

If a team doesn't show up on match at all, they will get an official warning. After they do it again and receive 2nd def-loss, they will be disbanded from the competition. In special cases, admins can extend this number to 3, depending if team no-show is done with possible reason.

If any player doesn't respect competition, admin team and opponents, they will be disbanded from the competition. Before, during and after an official match all kind of unsportsmanlike behaviour is forbidden. That especially means insults, provocations, racism and lack of fairness. If an opposing team behaves in such way, the affected team is asked to mention that in the relevant result reporting thread by adding suitable evidence.

If any player insult his teammates, admin team members or opponent team players during the official match, forum or any other CRO TOP platform, he will get an official warning or in harder cases be restricted with 1 or 2 game suspension. After he does it again, he will be banned from the competition. Also if a player is causing ingame problems with playing with lag or lack of fairplay, admins can restrict him for 1 match or even ban from the competition.

All types of scripts like so called macro scripts are forbidden without any exception. If a player is caught using a macro script or any other forbidden assistance, he will be banned from the CRO TOP League. All matches the player has played, will be possibly judged as a 0-3 defloss to his team. Admin team decides about possible restriction or ban to his captain, depending if he knew and approved his player using macro.

Captain (and co-captain) obligation is to control their own team. If they fail to do so, they can be restricted with 1 match suspension or ban. Decision is completely on admin team.

In case of team disband, captain (and in some cases co-captain) will be restricted with captain suspension in following CRO TOP season. If admin team consider penalty isn't big enough, he can be restricted for 2 seasons / permanent captain prohibiion or possible total ban.

If any player confirm for 2 teams at the same time and didn't cut himself before, it will be considered as double confirmation and player will be banned for running CRO TOP Season. However, in case admins see a confusion, they can restrict player for 1 match instead of ban.

In case of team disband, replacement team will be searched. It is admin team decision if new team carry out any points from old (disbanded) team or not. In case of team disband in late part of the season, admin team will not search replacement team but add all remaining matches of the team as 0:3 defwin for opponents regardless of how played matches of a disbanded team ended before.


OliverLevai: Hi Jun 4, 2021 15:01:16 GMT 1
Patrick Bamford: ferrari for the win Jun 4, 2021 23:38:14 GMT 1
Memekel: r Jun 5, 2021 21:27:24 GMT 1
Memekel: why is this on the standings page? Jun 5, 2021 21:28:02 GMT 1
DavidMC49: Hi. :D Jun 6, 2021 18:36:46 GMT 1
Memekel: hi Jun 6, 2021 18:38:52 GMT 1
DavidMC49: Ha ha!!! Yes! Jun 6, 2021 20:00:21 GMT 1
ya yo : vamos mercedesvamos mercedes Jun 6, 2021 22:04:50 GMT 1
Lubizza: Hello all :) Jun 9, 2021 11:52:11 GMT 1
DavidMC49: Memekel, this shoutbox comes everywhere in this web. :) Jun 10, 2021 19:45:07 GMT 1
peepeepoopoo: peepeepoopoo Jun 12, 2021 12:57:26 GMT 1
OliverLevai: I am the slowest driver ever Jun 20, 2021 20:05:45 GMT 1
Nikhil: grass is green Jul 19, 2021 0:34:02 GMT 1
ok: ok Sept 4, 2021 1:04:20 GMT 1
DavidMC49: The good old times when CRO TOP was alive..... Dec 30, 2021 17:30:22 GMT 1
DavidMC49: A shame that it's inactive now. :( Dec 30, 2021 17:30:45 GMT 1
DavidMC49: OliverLevai: I am the slowest driver ever Nope. It's Binottus. :D Dec 30, 2021 17:32:00 GMT 1
DavidMC49: Or Lithmin. xD Dec 30, 2021 17:32:13 GMT 1
prof9: wtf is that Jan 11, 2023 0:07:42 GMT 1
DYNASTY1: lol Jan 14, 2024 17:58:37 GMT 1
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